So many people have asked me this question: How exactly did
you learn to feel the energy?
Well here’s my story.
I had been working with a friend Greg helping manage his company and
sell his rocks. I was at that time in
the glass bead business and was always drawn to nature. He needed help and I said yes. While managing his company I was placed with
an awesome healer named Dawn.
She was really cool and different than I ever experienced and
one day she looked me dead in the eyes and said “do you know you’re a master
healer and you can use these stones to heal” I just shook my head and looked at
her and said “Dawn your nuts these rocks are cool lets just sell them so we
don’t have to pack them to go home” She looked at me and said “I will get you
to believe and I have the patience to make that happen”

On the fourth year we were working together once again and I
had opened up, and started asking questions and it shifted my train of
thought. I even moved to Los Angeles! That made a huge shift within itself.
The final day came when I was at a gem show and picked up a
tiny Quartz crystal double terminated point(a point with a point on either
side) and I felt a tingle on either side of both fingers, like a
vibration. I told Dawn and she went nuts
with excitement! She had me touch all these different crystals
and I could feel it! It was the openness
and a mustard seed of faith and trust that allowed me to feel that the crystal
had a vibration. I could not feel the
vibration before because I did not want to or wasn’t open to wanting to feel
Now my life is in gratitude that G-d brought these amazing
stones in my life and for Dawn, having the patience of being my teacher of
energy. And that… is my story.