
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You Are Light!

“You are light and the lighter you get the bigger it becomes. This is the importance of your work”- Charles McCall

Energy has weight.  Here’s an example; when we have a stressful day and the job is completed, we get a sensation that the weight of the project is lifted off our shoulders.  This is energy weight.  To become lighter energetically is to be in your heart space, where you are continuously connected with Spirit.
How can we get to this state? - by eliminating Ego which is controlled by fear, which controls stress and other emotions that no longer serve you.   The solution is simple yet the road to accomplish this is a bit hard depending on how you look at it.

The processes of becoming lighter will reduces the heaviness from fears and emotions, which cause chaos, anger, moodiness, pain, depression, etc.  

There are steps to make fears that control your Ego to leave.  It is quoted “that the furthest distance of spirituality is from your head to your heart.” There is much truth to that saying.  It is your head that creates everything in your life knowingly or not.   That’s tough because we think we are in control and yet truly we are the furthest from controlling our lives; like a newborn learning to walk on the second day of living.
How I work on being more connected with Spirit and living in the reality, I built with my meditation and protecting myself by creating an energy fields with stones in every aspect of my life. With my amazing mentor Charles, he taught me the simple steps of going into my heart and connecting while being a part of this earth.  The last thing I need is to be floating around here and not connected to the earth in which I live.  

Here are the steps I was taught:
  1. Deep breathing
  2. Drink lots of water
  3. Meditation
  4. Stretching and walking

See, easy right?  There are days which are great and days that my fears are up in my face and its not that easy.  IT’S WORTH IT! Additionally, I have always had stones around my life. I created energy fields of different concepts for my business to create more abundance and at home to have serenity to relax and rejuvenate.  Ask my friends they all rave about the energy in my home and my gallery… WOW, people don’t want to leave, its all about the energy!

We are creating machines; we have been programmed to be that way.  This is how  we learn and evolve and live.  So, now let’s create what you want.  With Natures Art™ we can match and make your home whatever you want. Its your home let’s make it that way.

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