
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Can You Have TOO Many Quartz Crystals?

The answer is YES and NO; it really depends on the situation.

Quartz Crystals are master healers and a magnifier of energy. So, depending on your health, lifestyle and character, they can be a power house or they can cause chaos in your home or in any location where the crystals are located.

Warning:  Quartz Crystals are a magnifier of energy! This is fabulous when you’re in a positive mood, but if your mood is negative or you live in a lifestyle that the glass is half empty, then DO NOT GET NEAR THE CRYSTAL!  If your family is that way, too, do not put it in your home because the Quartz Crystals feed off everyone’s energy.

For example, a person came to me wanting a Quartz Crystal for healing.  She was going through a divorce complicated with six children under the age of 10.  Imagine the turmoil in the home. The father left the house, and the home did not seem secure area for them. What energy do you think the family had? So, I refused to sell the Quartz Crystal to her with the situation at her home.  She was not pleased with me, but I have an ethical obligation because I knew the ramifications of what would happen.  I told her the best stone for her right now was a Rose Quartz. It’s calming, and gives love. That stone was perfect for her home at that time.

So, the lesson here is to use your Quartz Crystal wisely. Its energy is unmistakable. However, you must be aware of your surroundings and your own mood before asking that the Quartz Crystal amplify that feeling.

Have a Blessed 2015!

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