
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Can You Have TOO Many Quartz Crystals?

The answer is YES and NO; it really depends on the situation.

Quartz Crystals are master healers and a magnifier of energy. So, depending on your health, lifestyle and character, they can be a power house or they can cause chaos in your home or in any location where the crystals are located.

Warning:  Quartz Crystals are a magnifier of energy! This is fabulous when you’re in a positive mood, but if your mood is negative or you live in a lifestyle that the glass is half empty, then DO NOT GET NEAR THE CRYSTAL!  If your family is that way, too, do not put it in your home because the Quartz Crystals feed off everyone’s energy.

For example, a person came to me wanting a Quartz Crystal for healing.  She was going through a divorce complicated with six children under the age of 10.  Imagine the turmoil in the home. The father left the house, and the home did not seem secure area for them. What energy do you think the family had? So, I refused to sell the Quartz Crystal to her with the situation at her home.  She was not pleased with me, but I have an ethical obligation because I knew the ramifications of what would happen.  I told her the best stone for her right now was a Rose Quartz. It’s calming, and gives love. That stone was perfect for her home at that time.

So, the lesson here is to use your Quartz Crystal wisely. Its energy is unmistakable. However, you must be aware of your surroundings and your own mood before asking that the Quartz Crystal amplify that feeling.

Have a Blessed 2015!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Spheres to You!

Spheres bring forth amazing energy. They are the teachers of the world.  Look around in your life and see how they play a significant role every day.  

Our planet is a sphere.  When we play outdoors we mostly use balls in interactive team games that are sphere in shape. If you look at your reality, your world, you can see that you have spheres of realities all around you.  Work life, play life, home life, each with their roles to play,  rules to follow, feeling to be felt, and memories to be had. It is so interesting that spheres follow us.   Notice that in everything we have there is a core to it. This core is who we are and spheres are what brings that out.

Spheres are teachers. They have no direction, no defining rules. They just give the information and let you find the correct answer for you.  Each stone has it’s own energy and using the shape of a sphere will teach you about the energy it holds. Then it’s your choice whether or not to incorporate that into your life.  Here is an example:  Quartz Crystal sphere is about learning of power, healing, higher connection, and maintaining energy and how it works.  

One great thing is that the spheres in your life can change. Having knowledge is king.  It’s been told to me that 50% of the situation is to find out what the situation is.  Then its only persistence to find the knowledge to change and fix it.  We are never in a stuck position. We can change everything in our lives at any moment and live in our core.  Then we can become a teacher of our sphere to others.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Remedy for Stomach Pain!

Do you feel pain when something bad happens or you’re stressed out? Does the pain land in your stomach? Do you get gassy or have acid reflux? If so, then it’s time to release the energy stuck within you and stop looking outwardly to get the answers.   

If you have a pain, go see a doctor.  What we are stating is that everything emotional or stressing has an energy which can turn into a situation in or on your own body.  Some people get so stressed,  they receive the disease of cancer.  Cancer is a growth that forms from stress and other emotions/fears, that multiply and manifest into an over-production  or an under-production of acid. This can cause cramps, colon issues and intestinal diseases.  

So, what can we do about this?  If you have this, I recommend Gerri my Enzyme lady.  You can reach her at (303)815-3567.  Let her know I referred you and she can see you from the inside out! She will begin treating you holistically with herbs, tonics, enzymes and minerals, adjusting and creating a healthy body with real food and not more medicine.

Secondly, lets look at some stones that will support you in your efforts to feeling better and releasing the energy to get health, stay healthy and be energized. The stones you need are, Labordorite, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Selenite and Amethyst.

Do these two things and I promise, you will feel much better! Please let me know how you are doing after you follow this advice. I would love to hear your story!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Authentically You!

It’s so important to be your authentic self.  Authenticity is such a real word and yet we hear it so much in everyday conversations that we don’t really take a deep dive into what thought it creates.  Thoughts are manifestors, or focus generators, of the energy that we want in our lives.  So, how do we know what we want in our lives if we don’t really know ourselves?  Plus, if we don’t know ourselves, how can we truly be authentic to those around us?  

This causes me to ponder on how I am outside my life. Who really knows who I am? Maybe the real question is, “Do I know who I am?”

Now begin composing the picture. How are we in our lives at work? With friend? I live in Los Angeles where the world thinks everyone is a fake. I never thought of myself as fake and now I think I might be wrong. I have been working with meditation and the release of energy that no longer serves me. The more I release, the more I have gotten to see a glimpse of my true self. I am seeing myself for the first time. I have been working toward this moment and I have used many modalities to make things happen.

First and foremost, having stones and crystals in my life really paved the way to where I am today. I have rough Rose Quartz in my room to bring me the freedom to have love in my life. I also have Fluorite there to release from my heart the pain that now has no space to control.  With stones, meditation and having an amazing mentor I have gone to a place where I never thought was possible.  

Being authentic to myself and others in my life, is the one space I wish to attain and be present at all times. The process of getting to know myself during this time of my life was a true gift of God.  

May the journey to know yourself begin and may you have peace, grace and tranquility during this time.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Drained by Negativity?

Black Tourmaline with Quartz
Getting drained at work from negative people? It’s difficult  to wake up and go to a place where we have to be productive, only to be bombarded with negativity from the cubicles around you. If this is you, I have a solution.

The trick is to use stones that align the energy around you and your office area. It shifts the space and creates a barrier so that you are protected and feel comfortable and not drained by the end of the day. These are the most common and my favorites stones that help you in this situations: Kynite and Black Tourmaline.

Another trick  to do is to imagine you have a steel plates around yourself.  Pretend, as the negative people are talking to you, that you can see their words hitting the steel plate and bounce back on them.  

Also, do not listen to the words said to you. Just let it go in one ear and immediately out the other. Remind yourself that it’s likely their own stuff (energy) they’re letting out and it has very little to do with you.

This takes practice to perfect, but the results are great! It’s like letting them throw up and you pretend that you’re holding trash can.  You don’t listen to the words or let  the words in your heart space,  you just watch the words as they land in the trash can.

Try my plan of action toward your negative people and your negative work environment. Please let me know if my suggestions work for you? You will be amazed by the difference some new energy alignments and visualization techniques will make!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You Are Light!

“You are light and the lighter you get the bigger it becomes. This is the importance of your work”- Charles McCall

Energy has weight.  Here’s an example; when we have a stressful day and the job is completed, we get a sensation that the weight of the project is lifted off our shoulders.  This is energy weight.  To become lighter energetically is to be in your heart space, where you are continuously connected with Spirit.
How can we get to this state? - by eliminating Ego which is controlled by fear, which controls stress and other emotions that no longer serve you.   The solution is simple yet the road to accomplish this is a bit hard depending on how you look at it.

The processes of becoming lighter will reduces the heaviness from fears and emotions, which cause chaos, anger, moodiness, pain, depression, etc.  

There are steps to make fears that control your Ego to leave.  It is quoted “that the furthest distance of spirituality is from your head to your heart.” There is much truth to that saying.  It is your head that creates everything in your life knowingly or not.   That’s tough because we think we are in control and yet truly we are the furthest from controlling our lives; like a newborn learning to walk on the second day of living.
How I work on being more connected with Spirit and living in the reality, I built with my meditation and protecting myself by creating an energy fields with stones in every aspect of my life. With my amazing mentor Charles, he taught me the simple steps of going into my heart and connecting while being a part of this earth.  The last thing I need is to be floating around here and not connected to the earth in which I live.  

Here are the steps I was taught:
  1. Deep breathing
  2. Drink lots of water
  3. Meditation
  4. Stretching and walking

See, easy right?  There are days which are great and days that my fears are up in my face and its not that easy.  IT’S WORTH IT! Additionally, I have always had stones around my life. I created energy fields of different concepts for my business to create more abundance and at home to have serenity to relax and rejuvenate.  Ask my friends they all rave about the energy in my home and my gallery… WOW, people don’t want to leave, its all about the energy!

We are creating machines; we have been programmed to be that way.  This is how  we learn and evolve and live.  So, now let’s create what you want.  With Natures Art™ we can match and make your home whatever you want. Its your home let’s make it that way.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fitting Stones into Your Life

Ever wonder how stones fit into your life? Actually, stone are all over your world.  Let’s look at that for a second.  Cement is made up of stones that are crushed into power.  Drywall is made from Gypsum powder.  Granite is a popular stone that is used as tile or counter tops in interior spaces and used as boulders for landscaping.  These are just a few examples of how stones are in our lives and we don’t really notice.

So, what do these stones do for us?  First, they are strong. They don’t break easily, so they are durable and able to become a part of our daily lifestyle.  Now that we are clear that we use them for regular everyday stuff like roads, strong counter tops, and walls to hold our dwelling together, what else do they do? 

That’s the study I have been doing for more than 20 years.  It’s the study of energy. In the beginning, for about 4 years, I thought that rocks are rocks and everyone who thought rocks had energy were ‘Healy –Feelys’ and just about crazy.  I am an “eastcoasta” Bostonian from Israel. It’s all about proving it and being real. Then during many days of living around the stones and learning their beauty, came a moment that my thought pattern and beliefs were able to be adjusted.  I just slightly adjusted to see the energy these rocks and crystals produce.

 A saying I use now is that “You can purchase the Natural Art ™ for its beauty, which is perfect. The energy it gives you is completely free!”  This is true, whether you’re a believer of energy or not, it will still work.  There are different ways to use Natural Art Décor™ when using it for its beauty you can put any stone in any room for any reason.   You can choose not to believe in the energy and yet have the knowledge of Energy Mapping ™ to put the correct stones in the correct location to create shifts you will enjoy in yourself and in your world.  This can happen and you don’t have to believe, you just need to know the principals of what they do and place them in the correct locations. 

I’ll give you one example: It’s great to have Rose Quartz in the bedroom.  The lighting is great and pink color reflex’s love energy and it also give off calm and relaxation in the room.  If these properties of calm, love and relaxation is what you want in the bedroom then you would choose that stone.  Simply said and simply done. Believe it or not, it works. 

Try it out and let me know your thoughts.  Just remember, when you are testing this out and you are not a believer, once you put the rocks in place remember it’s not luck that brought you love. It might be the shift of energy! This kind of experience is how I became a believer. Stones are in every aspect of my life.